Sibi to Harnai and Ziarat Mountain Ranges Balochistan
The General formation of Sibi to Harnai and Ziarat Mountain Ranges Balochistan is a series of parallel ranges which as already described, contain in their midst the narrow valleys which form the upper highlands of Balochsitan.Ziarat residency |
The principal valleys in this part of the District are the Zawar or Harnai valley, which extends from the Chappar mountain to the Ganeji Rift or as it is now called Spintangi, with a length of 56 miles and an average breath of 6 miles the kach valley about 4 miles long and 1.5 miles wide, which lies between the Pil and Bibai hills, the Kowas valley which is separated from Kach by the Lawaai Kotal and ziarat valley which lies near the North-East end of the range and is the summer headquarters of the province.
Ziarat Sanitorium ( Ziarat Residency) |
The hills of this range in the district are composed chiefly of massive limestone, well exposed in Khalifat which passes into an enormous thickness of shales, Zarghun consists of corglomerate belonging to the Siwalik series and coal is found in the hill ranges South of the railway between the Chappar Hills and harnai.
Ziarat Juniper Forest |
The name of Zarghun is derived from Pashto word meaning “flourishing”. It lies about 15 miles East-North-East of Quetta and forms the apex of the Central Brahui range which spreads out Eastwards and South-East Ward on either of the Harnai valley.
sibi harnai ziarat mountain ranges |
The main ridge which separates Quetta-Pashin from Sibi stretches in a half circle from West, through North to the South East from the center of this curve another ridge stretches in a south-West direction thus forming three ridges more or less parallel to one another between these ridges are deep tangis or ravines with precipitous sides which can only be crossed with the greatest difficulty.
Ziarat Entrance Gate |
The two highest peaks known locally as Loe Sar or Big peak (11,738 feet) and the Kuchnae Sar or little peak (11,170 feet) are both on the Quetta side of the boundary. The drainage on the Sibi side is carried off by numerous torrents flowing in the direction of Sangan. The lower slopes are thickly wooded with Juniper and an area of about 11,000 acres is preserved as a Government Forest, the locally being known as the Tor Shor reserve. The indigenous population consists of a section of the Pashtun tribes of Dumars, who are mostly pastoral.
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